Are you a town official looking for specific and very localized weather forecasts that can help you to make decisions on treating roads, staffing for severe weather or for decisions on town events. Are you a property management owner looking for specific and very localized weather guidance that can help you to decide when to plow, salt or sand or when to perform lawn maintenance during the summer? Hire Route 20 Weather as we can be a huge help to your operations!!
Route 20 Weather can be your weather consultant/vendor for very specific and localized weather forecasts. We can also be your specific go-to source of weather information for whatever need you may have.
This is in addition to the generalized weather forecasts I already send out on our website and on our Facebook page. These forecasts would be extremely specific and tailored to your needs.
For example, some very specific weather information I can provide includes, forecasts of start/stop times of snow/ice/rain; amounts of each precipitation type; when approximately the worst part of a storm will be; wind speed/direction during a storm. If there are other parameters you are looking for, let me know and I can see what I can do.
Additionally, I can also give you a heads-up of when a storm may be coming days in advance.
One important advantage that I have over other weather vendors is that I am about as local as you can get. Unlike most others, I live in the area that I forecast for and whatever weather that I forecast affects me too.
Many other weather vendors and services are located out of the state and they cover the entire country. I cover only Western and Central Mass and this is important because I only focus on this area and I’m not distracted by other areas of the country.
Our current clients that already receive our specific and very localized forecasts include 4 different towns here in Central Mass, as well as a couple of property management companies in Central Mass. All have been very satisfied with the products they receive from us.
As for price, that’s very negotiable and will depend on what your needs are and how often you need me for weather consulting.
If you are interested, feel free to contact me at